Welcome to Consigned To Oblivion!

We at Slissy International Industries have decided that the extreme underground music scene has been overlooked for too long. There are many followers of bands that cannot gain access to things such as reviews and interviews for bands that most likely have NO promotion or distribution whatsoever. Therefore, we have made this site to begin archiving these amazing bands that need more attention as well as a presence. So take your time browsing through this site, you will end up exposed to groups that you never knew existed before.


Party Owls "Why Drag It Out?" LP

The Party Owls hail from Houston. This record was recorded in 1985. The Party Owls deliver just that. Fun punk with saxaphones! I have never heard of this band before I bought this record at my local record store. I listened to it in the store and just had to have this LP. This is another group that goes to show that punk rock doesn't have to be serious. I can just picture those shows, everyone bouncing around drunk, stoned and happy. They even cover Flipper's "Way of the World." This isn't classic punk record but it is damn good. Everyonce in a while we have to step away from the seriousness of hardcore and punk and this record is a great way to escape that punk rock heavy-ness. If you like early Murphy's Law than I sincerely recommend you go out and find this record. They have other releases as well (which I have not heard) so if you cannot find this particular release check out the other LP's and let me know what you think.

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This site is not about me, it is about the music that has the potential to either be great or to be lost in the annals of time. Most of these bands do not get the credit or following that they deserve so this site is dedicated to you all.